Purchase Confirmation

Thank you for your purchase!

You will be sent an email within a few minutes containing the download link(s) to the items you purchased. You can also download your purchase using the link(s) below.



Copyright is retained by spotlightME.tv.

By purchasing game film from spotlightME.tv you agree to abide by the following licensing agreement.

What you can do.

1. You may copy the video and share it once said video has been purchased at least once.

2. You may edit the video to produce highlight videos.

3. You may upload your video highlights to the websites of your choice for distribution to coaches, family, and friends.

What you cannot do.

4. You may not upload the game film video in it’s entirety to any website.

5. You may not resell any of the video content. (Hiring someone to edit the film and paying that editor for their services does not constitute a resell.)

6. You may not remove or crop any of the spotlightME.tv logos or artwork from the video.



If you do not download files often or if you are going to download multiple files from spotlightME.tv, it may be worth your time to watch the tutorial video.

To Download:
PC: Hover the mouse over the download file and “Right Click”.  Then “Save Target As”.

Mac: Click on the download link.  Depending on your settings, the file should download automatically to your downloads folder.

If you experience a problem with your download, please give us a call.

Example for Downloads

Downloading Game-Film to your computer