5 Things a Basketball Player Can Do Right Now To Become Better!
5 Things a Basketball Player Can Do Right Now To Become Better!
I spend hours watching game film and editing videos. I also spend just as many hours in the gym with my son and also watching his basketball games. I am amazed at how talented many student-athlete’s are. Some of them can seemingly jump out of the gym or turn on a dime, effortlessly. There are also a group of kids who may never be able to grab the rim or may never get the coveted “hot streak” that brings the crowds to their feet. There is always room for improvement and I hope that the following pointers will help you become a better player and stand out.
[note note_color=”#e2e2e2″ text_color=”#000000″]1. Practice on your own.On Tuesday and Wednesday you spent a good hour and a half at your team practice and you worked really hard. During practice you received valuable information and had a chance to review all the techniques that you already know. Although practice is a great place to start getting better, it is only the beginning. You actually become a better player when you take what you learned in practice and practice on your own. The following week you will be able to show your coaches that you were practicing on your own. It will show. [/note] [note note_color=”#e2e2e2″ text_color=”#000000″]2. Balance your schedule.
There is more to being a student-athlete than being the best player in the gym. Your priority should be geared towards your academic success. Your sport of choice is an extracurricular activity and you should treat it as such. Although we all strive for straight A’s, quite often, student-athlete’s are more likely to be in the 3.5 to 3.0 range, which is not a bad range to be in. It is a slight tragedy in life if you are vying for a position at your favorite school, yet you cannot enter the school because your GPA is too low. [Side note: Walk-on players also have to have GPAs that are acceptable for academic admissions. If you do not make the grade academically you may be passed over even if you are a great player.] If you do not enter the school of your choice because of your grades, it is not the end of the world, but you should always strive to do your best in whatever endeavor you pursue. Having a high academic GPA can often help you succeed in the athletic community even if you may not be the best player in the gym.
If you should find yourself slipping academically here are a few things you can do to get back on track.
1. Tell your parents/guardians. Your parents/guardians want to see you succeed and will quite often do whatever it takes to help you achieve that which you strive for. Whether you want to be the best gymnast, chess player, electrician. They don’t care, they only care that you do your best and if you have an issue, let them know.
2. Tell your teacher/coach. Teachers and coaches were once students. Quite often, they are still students somewhere. They understand the importance of juggling a schedule and are not new to a slip up here and there. If you are having trouble with the material they can help. They are valuable resources and can quite often lead you to a great tutor or online resource such as YouTube or the Khan Academy. Ask for their help and you may be pleasantly surprised at just how far they will go to help you succeed. Your success equates to their success. Show me a teacher or coach who does not want you to succeed and I will show you someone who you need to stay far, far away from.
3. Talk to a friend. Find the kid in your class who has a great understanding of the material and see if they can help. Lunch time pow-wows and after school study groups can do wonders for your grades, your friendships, and your confidence.
4. If you cannot reach any of the above, talk to your Principal or Guidance Counselor. My high school principal was Ms. Reynolds and my guidance counselors were Ms. Monevisidas and Mr. Bryant. The P.E. coach was Mike D’antoni. I wish I would have talked to them more. Now that I am a parent, I understand how hard those folks work to ensure that their students get a good education. They are concerned about your well being and are willing to offer assistance with whatever resource you need to get those grades up there.
By making sure that you are taking care of yourself academically you will be able to spend more time in the gym practicing.
[/note] [note note_color=”#e2e2e2″ text_color=”#000000″]3. Rest.Many injuries that players endure are not a direct result of a physical contact that they receive while playing. More often, their injuries are a direct result of overuse. It is great to be a super athlete who coaches can count on to win games. But you also must take time off to give your body time to heal the little tears that happen in your muscle fibers when you are exercising. Rest and relaxation does not mean that you have to give up your sport. Soaking in an ice bath, stretching, reading a good book, or hanging out with friends will allow your body a chance to recuperate so that you can be tip-top for the next performance. [/note] [note note_color=”#e2e2e2″ text_color=”#000000″]4. Fake, before you lead someone into a pick.
Imagine this scenario. You are the ball handler and you call for a pick or you notice in your peripheral that a teammate on your right is setting a pick for you. The pick will be more effective for you as a ball handler if you fake to the left first, then lead the offensive player into the pick. Ball handler: Keep your head up as you move through the screen. Picker: Roll with your hand up ensuring that with your opposite hand you seal the opposing player away from the ball in play. Ball handler: pass the ball for an easy layup. [/note] [note note_color=”#e2e2e2″ text_color=”#000000″]5. Stop dribbling so much.
Pass the ball when advancing up the court. That’s not to say that every time you are moving up the court that you should throw hail Mary’s. Look for the open player in the front court. If you are the point guard, get the ball up the court with a pass, then retrieve it again once all the other players in the field have caught up. If you are on the receiving end of the pass and you can score the bucket, then score the bucket. If you are on the receiving end of the pass and you cannot score the bucket, then manage the ball until the point guard gets there. Pass the ball to the point guard once it is safe to do so, then find your spot.
While analyzing games, I see so often where a player is wide open in the front court but the person handling the ball is oblivious because their head is down while dribbling through two or more players. If you are going to expend energy, expend your energy on defense. Do not dribble 25 times where 1 pass will do. [/note] [note note_color=”#e2e2e2″ text_color=”#000000″]BONUS. Follow through with the play your coach or the point guard calls.
One of the main benefits of playing the game is that you have teammates. In a controlled effort you all spend time together in gyms running through plays over and over again. Scenario: Coach calls “motion” from the bench. The point guard signals motion then passes the ball. 95% of the time, the very next thing that happens has nothing to do with the play the coach called for nor is it even necessary to deviate from the play. The player takes the ball and does what he wants to do instead of following the directions. What is the point of all the practice, the coaching, and the preparation, if you are not going to work together as a team? As individuals we are strong, but as a team working together we can create an impenetrable force that wins consistently and brings out the best in every player. The plays are designed to score buckets and if you follow them, you will score buckets easier than if you try to dribble through 5 players with your head down.[/note]
Maury “Super M@uryo” Osbourne is a former Marine, an Award Winning Film Producer, a fantastic photographer and a pretty nice guy. He runs SpotlightME.tv and works relentlessly to be successful at his business. You can reach him at 602.703.2638.
source: Wikipedia Posterized is North American slang[1] derived from an action in the game of basketball, in which the offensive player “dunks” (see slam dunk) over a defending player in a play that is spectacular and athletic enough to warrant reproduction in a printed poster.[2] The term is also derisive in that when a defending player is ‘posterized’ — he or she is considered to have been humbled, shamed, and exposed as an inferior athlete. An example of a player being ‘posterized’ occurred during the 2000 Summer Olympics. 6-foot-6 Vince Carter, playing for Team USA, dunked over 7-foot-2 Frédéric Weis of France. HERE! A second example is “The Dunk” in which New York Knicks’ player John Starks dunked over Michael Jordan and Horace Grant during Game 2 of the 1993 Eastern Conference Finals. HERE!
After Hours!
After Hours!
If you are like me, you drive past high schools on any Sunday afternoon and you think nothing about the school. You may glance over if you see a pick up game of baseball or maybe if there are some people walking the tracks. Maybe, just maybe, you may glance over. But for the most part, those moments of attention are swift and short lived. On this particular Sunday, I had a purpose for being at the high school gym. My friend Kyle Borst plays on a men’s basketball league and I asked if I could watch a game. “Of course!” he exclaimed. ” You will probably be one of a few fans in the audience. The guys could use it.” He gave me the location, and I thought twice about my decision. “Peoria High School and we play at 11 on Sunday.” Well, I already committed so I smiled and said you can count on it. “I will be there.”
You know me, I showed up with my son Maliq in tow and fully armed with my camera bag. If I am gonna be there, I might as well take pictures.
Arriving in the parking lot, it was kind of easy to tell where the basketball gym was. All the cars were congregated in one spot. “Yep, that must be the gym.” We exited our vehicle and made our way to the gym doors. Upon opening the doors, I have the thought, when does the dream stop?
Upon entering the gym, I heard the sounds of two teams on the court dueling it out. The recognizable skreech of sneakers on the hardwood. The resonating sound of the ref’s whistle. The smell of hard work in the air. This is the right place.
“Dre”, I said as I recognized one of Kyle’s best friends, who also plays for the league. He dons a red jersey with black lettering. The lettering indicating his coveted number 6 and the team name “The Finest”. The game that was underway as we entered the building concluded. The gladiators exited the court and the up and coming players rose up off the benches and began their stretching and warm-up routine. As they stretched and settled into the gym, I snapped pics so that I can get the settings the way I want them. One of the departing Gladiators asks, “Hey, did you get that technical?” I replied that I had not but I also wasn’t sure what was going on. He indicated that the players cannot touch the rim due to a school rule in place to help prevent injuries. So he received a technical foul call because his hand brushed the rim. A small wound to the scoreboard, but to the Gladiator, it was just part of the game.
Warmups are over and the refs signal that it’s time to get the game started. As the players assemble at center court you can tell that they have been feeling each other out. Watching the warm ups and trying to determine each others coveted “shooter” while also sizing up the big players. This is going to be interesting. Kyle and a player from the black team jump for the ball and the game is under way.
The game resembles many high school basketball games. A few steps up from a pickup game at your nearby fitness gym and a step below an NBA team tryout. As I watched the game unfold, it became clear that every player was there for a different reason. Although I did not take the time to interview each player, I could tell. Some of them did not look like they were in the best of shape, so maybe they became part of the team so that they could lose a bit of weight while embarking in an activity that they enjoyed. Some of them looked like they could jump through the roof and maybe this was an opportunity for them to prove their bravado on the court. One of the players, I called him “coach”, asked if I was from the city paper. When I replied no, he said “I was hoping that you would make us famous!” We both laughed and I passed him my business card. From what I could see, he was the oldest gentleman on the court. I am not sure what led him to this particular gym at this particular time, but he was a nice gentleman and I hope he gets out of the gym exactly what he puts in.
I thoroughly enjoyed shooting pics during this game. It was great watching the players have the same passion in their eyes that I see of high school basketball players. Their fan base consisted of a few spouses, girlfriends, a supportive mom or two, and some happy kids playing with their gadgets or playing tag with each other. I was happy to be included in that fan base on this day.
This game did not end well though. After a few misdirected plays and a tinge of testosterone, the refs were forced to call the game with 1:27 seconds left in play. The red team had defeated the black team by technicality. But for all intensive purposes, the black team was loosing by the numbers.
The ref called the game and I grabbed Kyle and his mom and ushered them onto the court for a picture. I then packed my bags and started to head out. One of the players came over to shake my hand. He shook my hand with a familiarity and I asked him, can you remind me your name again to which he replied “Bud!” Oh yeah, I said. I remember now. That is Kyle’s roommate. Wait a second, let’s go back in the gym and take a few more pictures. We reentered the gym and I corralled the players for a group photo. A group photo that I hope will last them a lifetime. Afterwards I bid farewell and bounced with Maliq.
What happened next was a little unexpected but was inline with what I would have liked to have happened. Right after the game, I approached a player from the black team and asked him to contact me because I took some pretty good photos and wanted to make sure that he and his teammates got to see them. You better believe that he gave me a call the next day. “Hi this is James, we met yesterday at Peoria HS”. “Oh yeah”, I said, “you’re the point guard with the beard.” And so began our conversation. It turns out that James is a fellow Marine and hails from Louisiana. He’s an IT type of guy and plays on the leagues for fun. He also let me know that there are leagues that are playing on the Air Force base and some of the teams travel to play in different regions and states. This next part is what I found most interesting. He said that in the 2 years that he has been playing in the league, he has never seen one photographer at any of the games.
You see, the dream to pursue excellence does not end when a player graduates high school or even after they graduate college. The dream does not end for those who choose not to go to college. As long as there are gyms and leagues the dreams will continue to live on. They live on after hours when everyone else is off doing the things that are important to them on Sunday afternoons. In this gym, it was important for some players to win the game. For some players it was important to know that their family and friends took the time out of the day to come watch them play. For others, getting in shape so they can bring their sexy back was important. Whatever the dream and whatever the pursuit, the gym is what brought them together. I have often advised Maliq that at some point this game will end for you. At some point, whether you play beyond high school or beyond college, at some point this game will end. But looking at the players on the court this day, I may have to revisit my previous statement. I could just be dead wrong.
I am grateful that my friend invited me to be there for that part of his journey.
Super M@uryo
Maury “Super M@uryo” Osbourne is a former Marine, an Award Winning Film Producer, a fantastic photographer and a pretty nice guy. He runs SpotlightME.tv and works relentlessly to be successful at his business. You can reach him at 602.703.2638.
I was on the sideline shooting photos when I looked over at the Desert Mountain bench and noticed coach John Ortega holding a clipboard. On the clipboard was one word written in black dry-erase-marker.
A slight beat, then the screaming kids, you know who they are, they all began screaming in unison…Stern! Stern! Stern! as #40 made his way to check in at the score table. He took a knee and awaited his entry into the game.
After a few runs up and down the court, the ref blews the whistle, and calls, “SUBS!”
With only a few minutes left in the game, the young man known as STERN stood up and ran onto the court with the energy of someone who was about to set it off. He beat his chest like a motivated Silver Back and pointed to the screaming kids…and they all respond in kind and set the place on fire.
Up the court the players scrambled and North Canyon eventually scored a layup. Desert Mountain inbounded the ball and then it was on. Stern sprinted up the court like a point guard on a mission. He was the first man up the court. When the others finally caught up, the pattern was set. A quick spot on the block for Stern and he cut through the paint to receive the entry pass. He caught it, did a quick fake to the left left, made one dribble across the paint to his right for a right hand layup. THE CROWD WENT WILD. He would score one more bucket before the night was over, but from the reaction of the fans, you would have thought he scored his 10,000th.
Later that night at a team dinner I watched as Stern made his way around the room. I could hear him at one table, then the next, and finally he arrived at the one I am sitting at. He spoke to all at the table and anyone who would hear him. “Thank you all for coming out tonight!”, he said. “None of this would have been possible without you all and I really appreciate it!”. He continued, “Words cannot express what it means to me to be here tonight, words can’t express how happy I am that you came, thanks guys!” And then it hit me.
The broken road
My name is Maury “Super Mauryo” Osbourne and for the most part I am someone who attends basketball games and remains pretty anonymous. I film them, I leave. But at Desert Mountain, my journey with that group of people, family if I may, my journey with that family has been a little different.
My journey with Desert Mountain started over 10 years ago when my son Maliq Osbourne played basketball with the TrueBallerz club team coached by Chris Holloway. For additional skills training, Chris recommended that Maliq meet a point guard named Kevin Augustine. Kevin is a basketball protegy who went to school at Mater Dei in California. He’s the kind of player that received recruiting telephone calls when he was in 8th grade. So we met with him and he continues to mentor Maliq to this day.
One day during training, Gino Littles walks in. I had seen Gino at many tournaments and interacted with him from time to time and my interactions were always pleasant. He is the kind of kid that says, “thank you!”, “yes sir!”, “no sir!”. The kind of kid that is always pleasant and capable of making friends in a heartbeat.
Well, we all shared the same trainer for a beat. But as life happens, we did not see them for a while except when we would see them at tournaments.
The next chance opportunity I had to interact with Gino and his family came by way of coach Rick McGee. I honestly cannot remember what the circumstances were that brought he and I together, but I am grateful for the opportunity to have met him. We learned about each other through a mutual friend and once he had an idea about my business, SpotlightME.tv, he invited me to set up a booth at the tryouts in Phoenix for the Arizona Stars.
I figured that since I was gonna be there, I might as well take pictures, film it, and do whatever I could do to promote myself and get my name out. So I did.
Gino’s mom, Dana Littles, was within earshot as I was explaining my business to a small crowd of parents. She hears what I am explaining about my business and determines to get more information. Who knew that along the way, she and I would form a great friendship and it would subsequently lead to STERN.
I built the website GinoLittles.com and also taught Gino and Dana how to use it to reach out to different coaches. It has proven a very effective tool for them and I am grateful that we had a chance to reconnect. Our company offers a service whereby we film games for student-athletes and put together highlight videos to use as promotional tools for the student-athletes. That is part of the broken road that led me to the circuit in 2012/13 covering the Desert Mountain basketball games.
I’ve watched these kids playing together for the last couple of years, through all the heartaches, and the victories. Some heartaches hurt more than others. One such heartache was the sudden departure of point guard Rolando Rhymes. He was a sight to see. I watched him take leadership and lead the team to victory on many occasions. I also watched his emotions when things did not go so well. The emotions that show up when one knows victory was just right there. It’s the kind of emotion that one can only experience when they play at a high level, in every
game. The kind of emotion where his grandmother looked at me and said, “it’s gonna be a long ride home!”
I missed you this evening Rolando. I am sure I was not the only one. Please give my best regards to your grandparents, parents, siblings, (John Legend), and cousins who all came to root for you. We all cheer for you.
Every game
There is a ritual before every Varsity basketball game. The starters get introduced and they run from the benches to meet their teammates on the court. A quick silly greeting, a fist bump, a mid-air body slam, a TSA body search. Then they huddle. A teammate stands in the middle pumping up the group with a dance or cheer. And finally, one last chant. “Play hard!” Let the game begin.
On many occasions, Gino or Rolando would lead the cheer. But occasionally, there was a kid who would play substitute. That kid was Stern.
Stern shows up at every game wearing the team uniform and his trademark white head band. During the team dinner I had learned that Stern was the team manager. He is the kid that makes sure that all the players get their water, all the players pass-off rags are in place, all the players are present and accounted for. That’s Stern. But Stern is also the kid that gets the screaming kids, screaming.
So much more than a game
Over the years, I have attended countless games. In many circles, I have developed friendships that have persisted. The kind of friendships where you see someone and know immediately that you have seen them at a game or two and you greet each other accordingly. Some of the friendships go a step further. “How’s Maliq” they will ask. And quite often I will also ask about their kids, or their family, or whatever it is in their life that they thought was interesting enough to let me in on. The kind of friendships that you are thinking of right now as you are reading this text. That’s what I’m talking about. This evening, I was reminded, It’s more than just a game! It’s more than hardwood. It’s bigger!
It’s the seniors walking off the court for the last time and passing the torch to the next group. The emotions that overwhelm them as they hug each other and high-five their coaches, possibly for the last time. It’s Gino walking off the court for the last time. It was about me being in the position to capture that picture. It’s the understanding behind the image. It’s Gino’s mom breaking down with emotions. It’s Mark, Ila, and Sandy walking in lockstep as they take the senior walk and are introduced as Remi’s family. Finally, I get it Stern.
Will Goff, rocking the rim, getting undercut, slamming to the floor. Sitting there for a moment. Standing up, and running to get up the court to catch up to his teammates. They could not rush over to pick him up because the refs immediately put the ball back in play. I was there. I caught the images. Thanks Stern.
Jordan Higgins taking the fouls that come with someone of his stature. In certain circles, some would call him a “BIG”. But this night at dinner, sitting across from me at the table was his mom Kim. He came over for a brief moment and asked her if he could go out with the team to hang out at a trampoline gym. Then I saw it. On the court he’s Big, but to Kim, he’s small. I get it Stern.
Remi Smith, I saw the pressure of being the go to guy for 3’s. I never saw it before. But I saw it at the VisitMesa tournament when Desert Mountain was down against Red Mountain. “Remi shoot it!”, coach Keener screamed from the sideline. Coach Keener is from Detroit and expects his players to take chances when the opportunity arises. Any player with the opportunity, that’s the kid that takes it. From the stands I can see that they run plays, I can see that the kids follow the directions, but I also see the coach, encouraging, “take the shot!” I get it Stern.
I saw it Mark, I saw you taking the fouls and knocking down the free throws. The football player, working on his footwork on the hardwood. Jordan could not have brought down so many boards without you and you could not have banged on the hardwood so forcefully without Jordan. That’s an easy one to get Stern. They had to work together.
There it was Javi, when you and your parents were center court, pausing for a picture. The picture shows a mom with a rose and a kid in her hands, and a dad with hope and a young man by his side. The kind of hope that only another dad would see in a dad’s eyes. The hope that his sons future will be great and promising. A hope that all the lessons that you learned while playing this sport sticks with you. Underneath that gray hair, hope. I assure you. And he hopes nothing but the best for you. #Stern
I saw Grant Rees, briefly. Briefly because his first step was often the last time you saw him. One moment he was nailing the layup and the next he was in the opponents face playing defense. Leaving it all on the court.
Jordan Lossman, your smile was infectious and you never failed to give a high-five whenever we met. You are the kind of person that the team needs when things go sideways. I think Jordan gets it too Stern.
Standing at 6’6″, Jacob Burton is a towering big, he is always right there in the paint. Watching for the entry pass or leaping for the rebound. Sometimes when these players are jumping you have no idea how high they are when you are looking at them from the stands. Well I took the pic of your put-back this evening Jacob. And you were playing above the rim.
I watched you Gino Littles, from way back when. I remember seeing you when you were 13 at a game in North Phoenix and commenting to other coaches on the Gorillas about how I would never leave you open for a 3. And if you were playing against a team I was coaching, I would still feel the same way. “Do not leave Gino open for a 3, you will regret it!”
The Coaches
The coaching staff was constantly planning, refining, collecting, regrouping, and encouraging. They represented what coaching is all about. The passion often begins and ends with the coaches, and their is no shortage of passion from this bench. I see it Stern.
I saw it when coach Keener talked to the parents in the alternate gym. When a student-athlete asked for a picture, he would smile, and follow wherever he was needed. He is a great follower that way. And subsequently a great leader. He may be the kind of coach that people look at from the stands and make snide comments, but take it from a Marine, he is the kind of coach that you need when $&*# hits the fan. Calm, poised, decisive.
Stern, this night you had an opportunity to get out there and do your personal best. You could have easily entered the game and ran the court up and down till the refs called the game. And everyone would have cheered and said you did a good job.
You could have passed the ball to other players when your opportunity came. But no, with confidence you took a textbook layup and ignited the bomb. Booyah!!!! You took the shot!
The People you don’t know
I do not know who your parents are Stern. But I do know who your family is. And they, your whole family, ought to be proud of you for keeping them together. For always encouraging. For always showing up and playing your part. For taking pride in the work that you did for the family. The work that many do not see.
On this night, I saw it Stern. I saw it in the whole gym. I saw it as you knelt, waiting for your turn. I saw it when the police had to contain the crowd when you dropped the deuce. I felt it when the screamers erupted and jumped on my back while I snapped the pic. I saw it when coach Littles came out of retirement for a few moments to lead a halftime trio through a three point show (his team won by the way). I saw it in the alternate gym when the families were all trying to take advantage of this precious hour. Photographers call it “the golden hour”. It’s the time when the sun is just right, and people seem to glow. I saw it when the fire alarm went off and the seniors were outside planning their huddle ritual. “OK, lets do this!, Let’s do that! Then you guys do this!” I saw it when the cheerleaders were practicing by the bleachers. I saw it when they threw their pompoms to conclude their halftime show. Many of them had danced their last jig. I saw it Stern.
Yep, by some broken way on the road, I was able to follow this family and watch it grow.
A special thank you to my dear friend Dana Littles. I am grateful for the broken road that led me to you, Randy, Gino, Gene, Yvette, Mark, Ila, Sandy, Amy, Coach Goth, Bill, Lynne, Bill, Coach Keener, John Ortega, Coach Tendall, Danielle, Kim, and so many others. I am so grateful that when I had a shot to take, I took it. Even if it meant that I had to use my Iphone to film the tryouts. A shot that led me to Stern.
Thank you Desert Mountain Seniors and Desert Mountain Basketball parents for allowing me to be a shutterbug and welcoming me into your family. May the road you are on continue to lead you to more Stern’s. We can all use more people like Stern in our lives.
Super M@uryo
During the events of this evening. I had the pleasure of meeting the official Desert Mountain event photographer Chris. We started talking photog stuff and he began giving me information on how I can take better pictures in this situation. He took leadership and provided instruction to me so that I may be a better photographer. He is a Stern impersonator. See Stern, even people who have never met before feel your energy. Thank you Chris for taking the time to help me get my settings right.
M – “Chris, I have to say that I am struggling getting my lighting right in these situations, these are not the kinds of images that I take on the regular and I am struggling with my settings from frame to frame. The images I do take on the reg, I am great at, but here, I am struggling.”
C – “Set your camera to 1600, actually – use auto. I hate to say it, but sometimes in this situation when you are learning, auto is best.”
M – “Well all I can do is my best, that’s it! I will take the shots!”
C – “That’s what I do also, now let’s take some pictures!”
Maury “Super M@uryo” Osbourne is a former Marine, an Award Winning Film Producer, a fantastic photographer and a pretty nice guy. He runs SpotlightME.tv and works relentlessly to be successful at his business. You can reach him at 602.703.2638.